Many citizens of Bangladesh do not know much about nursing care services. So you, Know About Nursing Care Service . This post contains a lot of unknown information about nursing care services.

A nursing care service is a government-approved, licensed service defined by law. Which is provided to the patient by a registered professional nurse through a licensed professional nurse.

Things You Don’t Know About Nursing Care Services If you read this post you will know about those things.

6 Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About Nursing Care Service :

  1. Services directed by a physician.
  2. General Nursing Care Services.
  3. Live-in Nursing Care Services.
  4. Non-Nursing Services.
  5. Financing Nursing Care Services.
  6. Specialty Cases.

1. Services directed by a Doctor :

A nursing care service is a service consisting of a combination of different services. Which is conducted on the orders of a physician. Physicians provide care services to the patient according to the patient’s condition. However, at the field level, this service is provided to the patient by a registered nurse on the advice of the physician.

2. General Nursing Care Services :

General Nursing Care Services is a comprehensive healthcare service for elderly patients.Which is an appropriate way to maintain their personal independence, including the daily routine of treatment of elderly patients.

This care is effective in improving the quality of life in a positive way. It allows for the provision of clinical services with comfort at home. General Nursing care services include:
1.Provide different types of therapy. Such as cognitive, physical, rhetorical and rehabilitation medical therapy.
2.Medical services related and social counseling between patients and their family members.
3.Providing nutrition therapy. Including gastric and esophageal tubes.
4.Providing infusion therapy including dialysis.
5.Vaccination against various diseases as well as taking preventive measures.
6.Supervise wound care.
7.Provide relief care and take proper medication.
8. Teaching to save lives.
9.Providing importance and care in acute cases.

Most nurses provide quality care to patients,And occasionally change nursing care services to provide quality care.Flexibility is most acceptable in this service.

3. Live-in Nursing Care Services :

Patients with severe disabilities and various disabilities.Live-in Nursing care ‍Service is a very suitable service for them.Live-in nurses are always available to care for such conditions.The services provided by Live-In Nurses are as follows:

1:Provide como therapy.
2.Assist patients in the field of physical functioning.
3.All those things Important. Paying attention to all those things. Such as feeding medicine, measuring blood pressure, measuring diabetics etc.
4.Arrange and set up the necessary equipment for treatment.
5.Working to increase cognitive stimulation in the patient and to help retain memory.
6.Inform family members about the patient’s whereabouts. And provide advice.
7.Properly complete bathing, feeding and other routines.

If the patient’s condition goes to another stage. In that case, there is a need for live-in nurses.In such a situation, family members can no longer serve.
In this case, the nurses in the home have to work by connecting the patient and the issues related to the patient.

4.Non-Nursing Services :

Nursing care services include some of these services. Which is included in household chores.And these activities play a very important role in maintaining the quality of life.

Non-nursing care services may be provided by other providers. Which allows nurses to focus on patients. In all cases, or locations where non-nursing care services are required. Most of the time others are more acceptable than other family members.

5. Financing Nursing Care Services :

Nursing care services may be provided to patients depending on the different agencies.Patients rely on various life insurance companies for services.Or when it is not possible to finance them from external sources. Then they receive services from their own source with money.

However, at present some companies in our country offer huge discounts for providing nursing care services.Which plays a logical role in patients receiving health care.

6.Specialty Cases :

People with a mental disability or ignorance need a mental nurse. A mental nurse plays an important role in their mental well-being. So they are considered in nursing care.Below is a list of the services they provide in such situations:

1.Diagnosing psychiatric disorders. And to evaluate that patient.
2.Provide therapy as well as counseling to patients.
3.Neuro Feedback and Bio.
4.Prescription Medicine.
5.Measuring the level of chemicals in the blood.

In all cases, mental problems occur. Nursing care services need to be specialized to deal with all those potential problems.

Psychological nurses receive extensive training on all of these topics. Which addresses their psychological and physiological condition. This leads to further progress and change in the patient’s situation.

Although many nursing care services can be used in a variety of patient situations. This type of service is much more important for some ailments.

Things You Most Likely Didn’t Know About Nursing Care Service.  We think you have enough ideas about this subject after reading this post.

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